
Showing posts from July, 2018

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 8

Today it felt like a storm was coming, but it just blew by What can I do to break these toxic habits? Ace of Wands, creativity, branching out. I read somewhere that this card can sometimes be about finding your own voice, and that speaks to me in the way of speaking up for myself I have to use my voice, my personal language to be most effective, not someone else's. 

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 7

Today was pretty fun overall, but kind of tiring. What harmful patterns do I keep repeating? 6 of Pentacles, generosity. So I think its stating that I'm too giving, I want to say it leans more towards finances or material goods given the suit, but it can also apply emotionally which I fall into that trap.

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 6

Did yesterday's read but forgot to put it up. How can I overcome the challenges listed in day 5? The moon, intuition, illusion, dreams, imagination. This one is a little harder for me, is part of why I postponed putting it up here because the interpretation isn't as solid as some of the others. I can best interpret it as I can use my intuition and imagination to help me past my running out of stamina, but I can't be caught up in my imagination, or too in my head.  

Hell Month Tarot Challenge day 5

Today a monsoon is on the horizon. I can smell it and see it. Today's question:  What is my biggest obstacle for me this month? II and IV of wands, I thought I pulled one and the four of wands was hiding behind the two.  I read it as my determination as waning as i get to my goal later this month. I need to recharge and make it to the finish line. 

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 4

Today pain is making it hard to focus and hard to be motivated to do anything. What is the most valuable thing I can do this month? Daughter of cups, creativity and emotional. I'm guessing that using my emotions to help me creatively is the idea here. 

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 3

I'm struggling staying away today, between the heat and the soreness from yesterday's workout, I'm ready to hibernate myself. Today's question: What should I do less of this month? Six of Wands, rising up, victory, success. I see this not as "Don't be successful" but more of a "don't look back". I'm experiencing good things right now and I need to focus on the present not the past. There isn't much I need that is in the past, its here or it will be here. 

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 2

I woke up this morning groggy and overwhelmed from the remains of yesterday that came crashing down faster than I had realized. So without further ado, here is today's question. What should I do more of this month? Three of wands, envisioning the future. For the last couple of months, my path has been difficult, and I've been focused on the present, but this month my path is evening out, which means I can start to look at the horizon, and not at my feet. In someways this is a relief and kind of scary. I've gotten used to the anxiety of the last few months, and not needing to focus on it anymore feels vaguely foreign, but I've done it before, and I can do it again. 

Hell Month Tarot Challenge Day 1

It is the first day of Hell Month and according to its only going to get to 102 degrees today. But during this month,  I figured I'd do a tarot card a day and interpret the readings here as the Darren is less active until fall and I have some time learn tarot now versus later where I may have less time. So today's question was: What is the theme of my journey this month? Three of cups, frriendship, community, network. The way I read it is simply that I am building a relationship with my deck, as well as hopefully with other Otherfaith and pagan followers. As for the picture, I find the sunrise/sunset ambiguity interesting which can show both beginnings and endings, but I think for this its a beginning.