Lesson 0: The Obligatory Ethics and Guidelines

So I realized before I dived head first into lessons that it would be wise to lay some guidelines about my take on practice regarding The Otherfaith. These are just my thoughts in the possible ways to practice and what I have found so far to be an effective and relatively simple guideline for my practices

The Rule of Three

The Rule of Three goes as such "Ever mind the Rule of Three, Three times your acts returned to thee. This lesson well thou must learn, Thou only gets what thee dost earn"
For those confused by the old-timey sounding words it basically means that things are circular, so tread lightly on what you chose to do as it will come back.


This guidline is basically my view point of the meaning you put into it matters more with some things than the fine details. For example, when putting an offering on an altar for the Clarene, she prefers finer teas and drinks. But if you do not have the money for such frivolities, then regular tea is fine, but if you have better tea and cheapen out on her, she may not be quite as happy with that.

Internal before External

I've looked at spells to "Make someone fall for you" or "Make this family member get along with you" or other things and my thoughts are as follows
1.  Controlling someone sounds kind of messed up.
2. It is probably waaay over estimating my powers
3. Everyone has control over their own actions
So instead of praying or making spells for other people to do as you wish them to do, maybe a spell to be more open to love, or to make yourself more alluring, or just a calming spell for the whole house for the unruly family member as sometimes hostile energies feed on each other.

Mundane before Magic(k)

If there is something to be done that can be done without invoking the Gods, it is best to try that first. If you can make the money you need before doing a money spell, try that first. If talking to someone about a disagreement is doable before praying for insight, understanding, or to get someone to me more ameiable is doable, then try that first. This assures the following
1. You have done what you can so when getting help from the Gods will do what they can
2. You do not trouble them with needless busywork that could have just been done in the first place
3. If it was able to be fixed by you, there is no spell to go wrong.

Without Action, Asking is Dangerous

I have learned this one from personal experience. When I was starting out on my path, I asked the Laethas for change, primarily regarding a job that I was feeling less than passionate about. I didn't look for new jobs or new positions, but I still asked. Then in April, I was laid off from the job. So it was changed, not how I wanted or expected it to happen, but it had happened. So now when looking for a job, I ask the Clarene to help, but I'm also putting in job applications and following up with every lead every chance I get. So I say prayers, spells and rituals, are all well and good, but when not followed up on, they can be ineffective at best, and possibly dangerous at worst.

With this stated I feel now ready to dive into the metaphorical meat of  my experience of my first year of being part of The Otherfaith.
