Magic where you are

I live in Tucson, Arizona and monsoon season has officially begun. I awoke at 6:48 am to a heavy downpour, and booming thunder, I fell back asleep shortly after to the continued sounds of rain. When I woke up the next time, it was still raining off and it continued throughout the day.

Now to those of you that live in damper areas, you may be wondering why I'm calling some rainfall magical. Well because in Southern Arizona, the last few days have been well over 100 degrees farenheiht, and the rain through the day has dropped it into the 70s and 80s. The air feels crisp, not scalding, animals of all types are enjoying the weather. And around here, everybody treats it as a religious experience to an extent. Everyone feels the heat taken off, if only for a day. So today I thank the Four + for the brevity from the heat, the running streams, the cleaning of dust, and the magic us Arizonans feel from rain and thunder that grace us every so often.
